Funding to support advocacy efforts and leadership development
The Colorado Health Foundation has awarded a three-year $300,000 grant to Lideres Latinx Leadville to support community advocacy efforts, leadership development, and capacity building.
Lideres Latinx Leadville is a group of committed volunteers who strive to work for social justice in favor of the Latinx community in Lake County, by increasing inclusion, success, and leadership.
The mission is to advance the well-being of immigrants and Spanish-speaking residents in Lake County with the help and support from The Lake County Community Fund as the fiscal sponsor of Lideres Latinx.
The Colorado Health Foundation is bringing health within reach for all Coloradans by engaging closely with communities across the state through investing, policy advocacy, learning, and capacity building.
This significant award will support the development of a three-year advocacy plan based on community input and implemented through a series of seminars, education, and broad advocacy efforts. Funding will support the hiring of dedicated staff to develop marketing and public relations programs related to outreach and awareness building. The hope is to eliminate barriers for participation.
“Lideres Latinx Leadville is excited and very grateful to receive this grant. The funding will be used to hire critical staff to organize advocacy efforts, cultural events, and educational programs to further leadership and capacity building within our Lake County Latinx community”, said Angel Bujanda Gutierrez, Executive Committee Member.
This advocacy effort will include workshops, community meetings, and education seminars as needed to ensure inclusivity throughout the program. The long-term benefit of the Colorado Health Foundation grant will be providing tools to support individuals and families to effectively advocate for their health, social, and economic needs, ultimately leading to a more equitable and thriving community.
This advocacy will encourage and enhance the Latinx Community's citizens to hold leadership positions in civic and government roles, community organizations, nonprofit boards, and businesses. This will require an increased involvement in civic engagement such as voter turnout in our Latinx and underserved communities.